Arizona suntan lotion can be used when you have a healthy base tan. It can make you achieve the sun-kissed skin you've been dreaming of. What lotion is right for you? Here are some things to consider.
What Arizona Suntan Lotion to Pick?
If you have a light skin tone, opt for two to three shades darker than your natural skin color. A medium skin tone is ideal if you have a natural skin tone. It’s vital to note that suntan lotion doesn’t fully protect your skin from UV rays. Thus, it’s highly recommended to have a healthy base tan before you apply it. In that way, you’ll only be spending less time in the sun.
The Need to Apply Sun Protection
Because it hastens the process of getting a sun-kissed tan, you don’t have to stay in the sun all day. Keep in mind that spending time in the sun without proper protection will only increase your risk of sun damage. Make sure to cover your skin with a broad-spectrum sun protectant.
Is Suntan the Same as Sun Protection?
These two products are different. Suntan lotion has an SPF of less than 15. It’s a tanning sunscreen that doesn’t provide you with enough sun protection. But it does include an accelerator to hasten the tanning process.
Sunblock with Enough Protection
If you need to be out in the sun for a longer period, you should use sunscreen or sunblock and not suntan lotion. Sunscreen can provide a protective barrier against the sun’s rays.

How to Protect Your Skin?
Getting sun-kissed skin is a lot easier with a suntan lotion. Thanks to its ingredients that can accelerate the process. But make sure that you only stay in the sun for less than an hour. Keep in mind that exposing your skin to dangerous rays without proper protection will only increase the risk of melanoma. Once you get the tan that you want, go and seek shade. Avoid the sun from 10 am to 4 pm. These are hours when the sun’s rays are at their peak. Even if it’s snowing or raining, you should still wear sunscreen. Remember that they can still reflect sun rays, thereby, increasing the risk of burning.
Does Arizona Sun Offer Sunscreen Products?
Yes. When you visit our online shop, you will find various sunscreen products. Most of them have at least an SPF of 30. Experts don’t recommend going higher because they only provide a false sense of security. Higher SPF doesn’t provide a significant difference in their filtering ability. For instance, if the SPF 30 blocks 97% of the rays, a product with SPF 50 will only block 98%. Truly, there’s little difference in the filtering capacity.