Sunburn Relief: Cooling Off After a Sunburn

It’s fun to be out in the sun as you play with your friends or kids. But it’s easy to lose track of time. Hence, don’t be surprised to find yourself with a sunburn. Thankfully, you can apply sunburn relief that can soothe the skin and reduce redness. What natural relief you can use to get your skin healed up quickly? 

Sunburn Relief

Aloe Sunburn Relief After Too Much Sun Exposure 

Aloe vera gel is one of the most common options to soothe sunburns naturally. It’s a medicinal plant that offers a lot of skin benefits, including soothing your burn. According to WebMD, “aloe vera is useful specifically for treating burns. A review of four studies involving 371 people found that aloe vera is effective for treating first- and second-degree burns.” Thus, it makes sense to stock an aloe vera gel in your medicine cabinet. Or make sure you have this in your house

What Other Ways to Relieve Your Sunburn? 


Green tea has properties that can relieve pain and relieve damaged skin. However, it has to be applied topically to the affected area. In that case, you should not drink green tea to relieve your sunburn. Here are the steps to use green tea to heal your sunburn: 

  • Boil water
  • Add green tea bag 
  • Allow it to stay for an hour
  • Remove the bags
  • Let the water cool for half an hour
  • Soak a clean cloth to the cooled tea 
  • Apply it to the affected skin. 

You may also use black tea or earl grey tea.  

Stay Away from the Sun 

You must prevent your skin from further sun exposure. Thus, stay indoors while your skin is still healing. However, if you need to go out in the sun, make sure to cover up. Wear proper clothing that can block the sunlight from reaching the affected area. Also, apply sunscreen before heading out. 

Take a Bath 

Another way to cool down the sunburn is to have a cool bath. You may add baking soda to the tub to relieve the itchiness and inflammation. Or you may choose to add a cup of vinegar, which is great for soothing the skin and removing the heat from the burn. And after taking a bath, don’t towel off. For excellent results, you just let the air dry your skin. 

Drink Plenty of Water 

Sunburn can draw a lot of fluid to the skin and away from your body. As a result, it causes dehydration. When you realize you have sunburn, you must start drinking a lot of extra fluids. You may choose to drink water or a sports drink. Liquids will help replenish your body’s electrolytes They also rehydrate your skin while it heals. 

Sunburn Relief

Heal Your Skin with Arizona Sun 

Choose to ease your sunburn naturally. Apply aloe sunburn relief that you can buy here.

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